Press release on the RailAIxs project: Feasibility of an automatic environment detection system for railroads

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In a consortium comprising Aachen University of Applied Sciences, Hörmann Vehicle Engineering GmbH, QINUM GmbH and the Institute for Rail Vehicles and Transport Systems at RWTH Aachen University, the feasibility of an automatic environment detection system for railroads will be investigated over the next three years. Sensor technology and data-based evaluations will be used to research the feasibility of driverless railroads in order to make rail transport more attractive to passengers and shift more traffic to rail. The press release can be found here.

The kick-off meeting for the RailAIxs project will be held on Oct. 17, 2022 at 2 p.m. hybrid at the Institute of Rail Vehicles and Transportation Systems. To register, please contact Fabian Hampel per E-mail.